Plan the implementation of KHZG measures with AMC Holding GmbH and United Web Solutions for Healthcare e.V.
KHZG is a Hospital Future Act, German investment programm for Hospitals.
User-focused, vendor-independent, future-proof: Interoperable IT solutions based on the best-of-breed principle meet the highest professional requirements – and make healthcare providers sovereign over investment planning and data availability. Those who want to use software without an on-site installation and securely archive and exchange data without having to maintain the infrastructure themselves also choose the cloud. The right offer comes from United Web Solutions (UWS).

With the partners from the UWS network, you can implement the following funding activities (further Information in German):
- Fördertatbestand 1: Notaufnahme modernisieren
- Fördertatbestand 2: Patientenportale
- Fördertatbestand 3: Digitale Pflege- und Behandlungsdokumentation
- Fördertatbestand 4: Klinisches Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem
- Fördertatbestand 5: Digitales Medikationsmanagement
- Fördertatbestand 6: Digitale Leistungsanforderung
- Fördertatbestand 7: Leistungsabstimmung und Cloud-Computing Systeme
More about KHZG
Key data on the KHZG
- „Richtlinie zur Förderung von Vorhaben zur Digitalisierung der Prozesse und Strukturen im Verlauf
- “Guideline for the funding of projects for the digitization of processes and structures in the course of a patient’s stay in hospital in accordance with Section 21 (2) KHSFV.”
- In accordance with the KHG and KHSFV, the Federal Social Security Office (BAS) allocates funding to hospitals:
- 4.3 billion euros total
- 3.0 billion euros in funding from the federal government
- 1.3 billion euros from the federal states or the sponsor
- The subsidy amount is distributed among the federal states according to the “Königstein Key”.
- Of this, up to a maximum of 10% goes to the medical universities.
- This leaves approx. 6,500 € – 9,000 € / plan bed in subsidies
- e.g.: Hamburg 8,387 € per planned bed
- e.g.: in Bavaria fixed budget sums are mentioned
- Pure private clinics (no planned beds) are not funded.
- On Feb. 28, 2021, the federal government will commission a research institute to introduce a uniform measurement system of the degree of digitization maturity
- Mandatory participation of hospitals! – First measurement on 30.06.2021 (but probably later), then again as of 30.06.2023
- Comparison of the maturity status of the hospitals
- Eligibility criteria numbers 2 – 6 must be prioritized, as failure to comply (see ff.) will result in up to 2% discount per case as of 01.01.2025
- see § 5 – Hospital Remuneration Act (KHEntgG)
- We recommend that every hospital employee involved in digitization projects takes a training course on the eligibility of IT projects for funding.
- Award procedures / tendering obligations remain unaffected by the KHZG.
Eligible costs
- Investment costs for procurement, development, construction or expansion
- Costs for initial operation (up to three years)
- Since the funded digitization measures are intended to be implemented sustainably and thus extend beyond the project duration, a transfer of ownership to the hospital operator should be sought within the project duration depending on the respective measure (e.g., medication dispensing systems).
- Personnel measures are eligible for funding if they have a direct and immediate material connection with the development, maintenance and care of information and communication technologies or their shutdown.
- Costs for evidence essentially relate to those already provided for in the context of funding under the Hospital Structure Fund.
- Pursuant to Section 14a (3) Sentence 5 KHG, at least 15% of the funds applied for to support a given project must be used for measures to improve information security. The aim of this is to ensure that funded measures comply with IT and cyber security requirements and standards right from the start.
Range of services offered by AMC Holding GmbH and United Web Solutions e.V.
Grant-in-aid related service packages consisting of:
- Software licenses from AMC, partners, or AMC in conjunction with partners.
- Related services and software maintenance (36 months)
The service description of these service packages is continuously updated.
Overview of the United Web Solutions funding conditions (KHZG_UWS_V15)
IT service providers should not be both consultants and suppliers, therefore AMC cannot complete grant applications.
For this purpose, we recommend hiring specialized companies, such as:
Digital Avantgarde GmbH (Mr. Wirtsch.-Ing Hendrick Riedel and Prof. Jäschke).
United Web Solutions for Healthcare e.V.
United Web Solutions for Healthcare e.V. ist ein Verband von innovativen IT-Unternehmen im United Web Solutions for Healthcare e.V. is an association of innovative IT companies in the healthcare sector that enables hospitals to combine highly specialized software solutions from various manufacturers for different fields of work in medicine, nursing and administration into an integrated hospital information system.
Deadlines for initial notification of need: